Category Archives: Customer Roofing Experiences

Category Archives: Customer Roofing Experiences | Professional Roofing Blog

5 Things to Look For in a Trusted Roofing Company

If you’re in need of emergency roofing service, shingle repair, a full roof replacement, or service to improve your attic insulation – it’s important to call a roofing company that meets the highest level of roofing standards.

In this article, we explore the five things that you should always look for in a trusted roofing company – to ensure you’re not getting ripped off and that the work being done will be done right.

1. Warranty & Insurance

One of the riskiest things you can do when hiring a roofing company is deciding to work with someone who is unlicensed and uninsured. Why? Because if something goes wrong, such as a contractor being injured or your home facing damage, you put yourself at risk of being on the hook for repairs and damages!

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Roof Pro + Has the Best Customers (and Reviews) Around

Near-Perfect 9.8 out of 10 Rating with Homestars Renovator Reviews

Here at Roof Pro, we absolutely adore our roofing customers and think we have some of the best in the world. The roofing industry can be a tough one, as we are industry professionals who are responsible for ensuring the safety of entire families because the roof is the environmental protector of the home. This is something we have done for decades, and we take our duties as a roofing company very seriously. We are also lucky enough to be serving the Toronto community, who have showed us unwavering support and loyalty over the many years we have been in business.

This loyalty and respect for our skill and experience in the roofing industry is felt every time we get a thank you phone call, email, or just firm appreciation at the end of a large project. However, this customer service and support can most explicitly seen online in the many glowing user-reviews that can be found on Homestars, a renovator review website that is the most widely used in the business.

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Staying on the Cutting Edge of Roofing Science

Studying the Latest Advancements in the Roofing Industry

Roof Pro + may be experts in the field with the experience that is required to become known as Toronto’s best roofing company. However, this does not mean we are set in our ways or refuse to learn new things about roofing and building science. In fact, we have made it a top priority to stay constantly educated and updated with respect to technological changes in the field. Our President, Chris Hasenauer, is the roofing expert and leading authority on the current industry trends and knowledge on the scientific side of the business.

One important aspect of roofing education is understanding exactly how a manufacturer instructs the contractor to install their product. A roofing warranty is a very valuable thing, securing your home financially in an unfortunate event. However, this warranty can become null and void if the roofing system is not installed correctly! Contractors must know precisely what the manufacturer says about installation and follow the directions. Roof Pro + studies this intensely, and always make sure the work is installed properly. The difference between a roof lasting 10 years with good installation and 30 years with excellent installation can be minor, which is why attention to detail and following manufacturer instruction is so very important.

Continue reading Staying on the Cutting Edge of Roofing Science

Roof Pro + and their Ecstatic Customer Base

Black shingles on the roofOne of the Most Well-Reviewed Businesses in the Roofing Industry

“Shocking” is the perfect term to describe the customer reviews submitted by those who have used the services of Roof Pro +. These reviews are not shocking because they tell a negative tale about the company, they are shocking because I have never before seen a company so universally praised for their services.

Homestars is an organization that ranks contracting companies based on reviews that are submitted by verified customers of a particular company. Roof Pro + has long be viewed as a quality company that does everything in their power to ensure customer satisfaction. They have been in business since 1978 in the Ontario area, and are known as the consummate roofing professionals, leaders and experts in their field. This reputation is stellar, but these reviews are astounding even for this already polished roofing reputation. Continue reading Roof Pro + and their Ecstatic Customer Base

Request your Free Estimate Today!

Your local roofing professionals will examine your roof absolutely free!

At Roof Pro Plus, we want to make sure our community and clients never feel hesitant to inquire about a roofing issue. Your roof protects your home and family from the rough Ontario climate, and must be taken care of well. As a homeowner, it is extremely important to take note of this importance, and look to any and all roofing problems swiftly.

It is also necessary to seek the help of your local roofing professional to ensure that you receive the most expert counsel available. Roof Pro Plus is here to fill that role for you, just like we have for the greater Toronto area for years.

Our free estimate is offered for a very important reason: to encourage the entire community to tend to their roof quickly and without worry. You will not be pushed or locked into any sort of agreement. Roof pro plus are the roofing professionals who are happy just to be out in the elements, making sure our friends and neighbors are protecting their homes.

If you have a specific issue for us to quote, we will happily provide this service online. Our experienced roofing staff are here to answer your questions quickly. If you would like to compare prices with another local roofer, please feel free to ask. If you just have a question about your roof, we are here for you as well. Roof Pro Plus are the roofing experts that are always ready to answer your professional questions, completely free!

Roofing woes solved by a local company

A note from a customer of ours.

“Being a hometown boy and having spent most of my life in the area I was born in has definitely had its advantages for me, sure I have not run off in pursuit of a high flying career in some over crowded city far from the town I call home. You see I live in Newmarket and have done so for most of my life, it is very important for me to see those around me make an honest living. More often than not it is difficult to find service providers in or around our town as the current economic crisis has forced many of us to relocate. To put it bluntly the pool of available skilled and professional trades people in our town is slowly being siphoned off to better pastures.

All of this changed in my opinion recently, when out of the blue or town was engulfed by an almighty rainstorm! The likes of which i have not seen for many a year. Besides feeling truly grateful for the rain we received i was really surprised to see just how badly the roof of my home was in need of repair. At first I thought to get a professional company from Toronto to give me an estimate on the repairs and to be honest I did. The estimate was somewhat out of my current budget so in my arrogance I thought I had better see if perhaps I could get a better deal locally (because it was my belief at that time that it would by far be more expensive)

I called up our local company, Roof Pro Plus, and was sent over a really pleasant fellow, who showed up when he said he would, had all the necessary tools needed for the assessment of the work, and was able to quote a repair price right there and then!! I was amazed to say the least and even more so with the estimate and time required to complete the work. I gave the go ahead to the local chap and am very pleased with the service I received as well as the price I paid for the work that was done, so take it from me folks, GO LOCAL”

We thought it would be worth sharing his interesting story with you and maybe relate to his story.