Monthly Archives: July 2018

12 Signs Your Attic Is Poorly Insulated

When an attic is poorly insulated, some very serious and expensive issues can arise. To help homeowners to become more aware and informed when it comes to their attics and roofing systems, we’ve outlined the twelve most obvious signs that your attic is poorly insulated:

1. Ice Damming

Ice dams are classified as ridges of ice that form at the edge of a roof due to continuous melting and refreezing of snow. This ice blocks snow and water from draining off of roofs and can cause foundational issues and leaking in improperly insulated and ventilated homes.

In harsh Canadian climates, winter ice damming is one of the most obvious signs that something is awry in your attic and roofing system. To learn more about the risks of ice damming, check out our article, ‘How to Prevent & Eliminate Winter Ice Damming’. 

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7 Things You Need To Know About Cottage Roofing

When it comes to cottage roofing in the Muskoka region, it’s critical that owners understand the unique set of challenges they may face. This is especially true for cottagers who only vacation in the summer and do not inspect or check their cottage roofing systems during the cold winter months.

In this article, we outline seven roofing matters that all cottagers should be aware of:

1. Winter Maintenance

If you are a summer-only cottager, odds are that your cottage, shed, and boathouse are unmonitored all winter long. Therefore, it’s very important to prepare each roof and structure for fall and winter by:

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